Monday, February 21, 2011

Stupid Tax

Many who know me are aware of the fact that I follow the programme and theses of Dave Ramsey.  (  Unfortunately there are myriad in government who do not.  One of the principles that Dave teaches is that there are times you have to take your lumps and pay for the mistakes you have made; he refers to this as "Stupid Tax".  Bitching and whining will not make this go away.  Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

The time is come for the taxpayer to pay his stupid tax.  You have elected these self serving sycophants and they have screwed you.  Whine, bitch and complain to your heart's content, but pay the bill.  YOU HAVE NO CHOICE.

The situation in Wisconsin is a classic example of what is going on.  The governor is taking advantage of the typical attitude of those who for one reason or another work without the benefits and protection of a negotiated contract.  Unwilling to recognise their own stupid tax responsibility they lash out at those who are so protected.

In stupid reaction, union workers stage protests and strikes to protest their so called grievances, in so doing performing patently illegal walkouts, encouraging students they are charged with educating to act similarly dishonestly and illegally.

Meanwhile Governor Walker whips the ensuing tempest to a froth by proposing to unilaterally abrogate a contract, or contracts and forge ahead with the union busting plan that apparently was his agenda the whole time.  Never have I seen a collective bargaining agreement that was not signed by BOTH parties, and I worked under them for nearly four decades.  Either party not adhering to a contract is in breach.  I suspect that in this case the teachers' unions have allowed themselves to be maneuvered into that position. 

Guess what, boys and girls, your stupid tax is coming due.

The public reaction is predictable; irrational, but predictable.  "Why should they get stuff I haven't got, especially when I have to pay for it?"  Why then, did you pay no attention when these contracts were negotiated?  How many school board meetings have you attended?  How many times have you written to your state and federal legislators and told them to keep their noses out of local affairs?  How many protests have YOU attended to see that state and federal departments of education are unfunded with YOUR tax dollars?

How many times have you not bothered to vote in school board elections or against school budgets?

Guess what, boys and girls, your stupid tax is coming due.

And public employees, what have you done to protect your own wage/benefit package?  Signed on to a "Wimpy" contract?  ("I will gladly pay you on Thursday for a hamburger today".)  Remember him from Popeye?  (Don't remember Popeye?  OK, your education has been neglected; I could already tell that from the way you write.)  Believed the promises of a bunch of politicians on the other side of the bargaining table?  Politicians who you KNOW will lie, cheat, steal, and kiss your neighbours ugly grand baby to feather their own nests; and if they are not lawyers themselves they will have lawyers by their sides.  Lawyers who will lie, cheat and/or steal, as that's their stock-in-trade.  (After all has it not been said that it's 99% of lawyers who give the 1% a bad name?  Shakespeare knew this a half a millennium ago.)  Why were you not collecting benefits as you were earning them, instead of relying on promises?

Guess what, boys and girls, your stupid tax is coming due.

And to the Goebbelsesque propaganda machine that purports to be news media, your demonstrated journalistic integrity has put you just below lawyers, used car salesmen and congresscritters on the public trust-o-meter.  Used to be that if-it-bleeds-it-leads, but now the fit into biased agenda dictates how, and if, it places.  If Greenpeace ever gets laws against caging birds passed your market will disappear and folks will have to start wrapping their fish in wax paper.

Guess what, boys and girls, your stupid tax is coming due.

If I walk into your restaurant, consume a meal and then afterward complain that I cannot afford it is it YOUR fault that I ordered the Beef Wellington at $46.95 a plate?  Or is consuming and not paying a case of theft of service?  But then again, what would you expect from politicians, they're thieves by their very nature; getting paid for producing NOTHING.  (Except disruption and confusion of course; not exactly marketable commodities.)

Our national debt of over $401,000 per person (your basic government 401K plan) would disappear if Congress would tax stupid instead of income.

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