Friday, August 12, 2011

More Free Lunch

Moral imperative dictates that if you get something for which you have not paid, that someone has paid for something he has not gotten.  It's your basic zero sum equation.  As with the race riots in Watts, Chicago, New Orleans, etc. perpetrators of the London riots use the excuse of (perceived or actual) racially motivated abuse as the excuse to acquire something for which others will bear the cost.  Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away that was referred to as "stealing".

Similar circumstance is of course the situation on our southern border (and with lesser impact on the northern one) with regards of the influx of criminal trespassers.  While the  liberal lamestream media, and leftist self serving sycophants of both political parties may label these invaders as "illegal immigrants", the fact of the matter is that illegal means against the law, as in criminal.  Entering wherein you have no authority to be is trespass.  How much simpler can it be?

Words have meaning.  Applying false or misleading appellation to anything is a lie.  Anyone who uses the expression "illegal immigrant" is lying to you.  How much simpler can that be?  Tendering unto those so appellated privilege unto which they are not entitled, such as eduction, sick care (I refuse to call it "health care" for much the same reason) driving privilege, or license to rob, rape, or take a job is nothing more or less than a form of theft.

Similarly, affording in-utero criminal trespassers the rights and privileges of citizenship is another form of theft.  If I cause the death of a pregnant woman, inadvertently or by intent,  it is multiple homicide, yet if said pregnant woman criminally trespasses her child is considered a citizen.  How absurd is that?  (In point of fact the same absurdity exists if the mother enters the country legally.  Wait until we are flooded with hordes of jihadi terrorists entering the country with American passports.)  Either life begins at conception (a thesis to which I personally subscribe) or at birth (a thesis unto which those making a killing* in abortion clinics subscribe).  If it's at conception then little Jose Jesus goes back to Mexico for his passport (or little Ali Achmed goes to the Jordanian government for his passport).  Neither is entitled to diddly-squat on the American dime or dole.  Nor are his parents, siblings, progenitors, and progeny yea unto the seventh generation.  The concept defies reason.

Besides, if all they are looking for is jobs they'd do better to be invading China as that's where they are.

*pun intentional

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