Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Commentators, Westboro Baptists, and Other Scum

What is it about some people that they will bray about any subject no matter how sick if it can be perceived to follow the cognitive process of their own monorail mentalities.  I won't elevate that cognitive process to the level of thought, for thought implies a bit of human concern and consideration lacking in slugs of certain ilk.

Among the indicated low lives you will find such as those of the Wesboro Baptist, so called "Church" who intrude upon the most profound grief that any parent could ever conceive of, the death services of a child.  To indicate that your son or daughter deserved to die because of a policy for which he or she had neither responsibility nor input is despicable behaviour of the lowest sort  Add to that the fact that the serving warrior was protecting your right to be the kind of scum found floating on a puddle of piss.

Similar discourse emanates from the babbling heads of the lame-stream media regarding the sick and sickening actions of Saturday last in Tucson.  To even intimate that any patriotic American would condone, let alone encourage the acts of a madman puts Olberman, Matthews  and their ilk in the same pond scum category as the Westboro slugs.  And of course there is  the bird brained twittering of Hanoi Jane, the Westboro equivalent of my war and my generation.  If I thought there was a chance of encountering that shameless, useless lowlife bitch (apologies to dogs and dog lovers everywhere)  I'd save my spit for a month.  The misogynistic street euphemism for a woman referring to her genitalia is far too elevated a title for this bimbo as well as the current crop of Boob Tube "personalities" spreading their filth in hope of counting political coup.

If there is a classic example of the sort of political disregard for truth and decency the statements broadcast by Pima County Sheriff Dupnick stand four square at the head of the list.  In an obvious effort to cover his own southern exposure he points a finger at those who would hold him and his political cronies feet to the fire of legitimate performance of sworn duty and just about advocates a plea of insanity for the son of one of his department's former employees; apparently a person with whom he was not un-familiar and who's problems properly reported would have precluded his ever legally purchasing a firearm.

There is one further fact on which the puling propaganda purveyors are strangely quiescent; that is the fact that three civilian sheepdogs, one a 61 year old lady, took the rabid wolf down before he could re-load his pistol and continue the carnage.  Amid all the whining prophecy of doom from the candy assed gun grabbers aver Arizona's constitutional carry laws the fact remains that the reason this incident went as far as it did is because there was no-one equipped in the crowd to defend himself and others.  They were obliged to wait helpless until the perpetrator ran out of ammunition.  You may rest assured though that the Brady bunch will use this event as an excuse to further the disarmament of those who could have stopped this incident with discharge of one round inbound instead of waiting for thirty outbound to empty the criminal's firearm.


  1. The police respond in minutes, when seconds count. Most gun crimes have police involved to write the report, and find the criminal. Too bad someone didn't have a firearm to take the guy down. That would have been an interesting spin to see...

  2. Notice that the McCarty dame is already wanting a federal law against "high capacity" magazines. If they re institute the "assault weapons" ban where will we be able to buy claw hammers? Or Chevrolets. My guns never killed as many people as Teddy Kennedy's Oldsmobile.

  3. Why is that scumbag still standing. Some one should have put a bullet in his head just to make them even!

  4. I did read that Arizona NICS checks jumped 60% on Monday compared to the same date last year (which would have been a Sunday) so I cannot say if people are waking up or just chalk it up to less shopping on Sunday. The numbers apparently were 164 vs. 263 out of some 6.6 million total popultion of the state, so the lame-stream media pundits' whining about wild and woolly west shootouts are obvious hyperbole, and of course nobody can say what percentage of firearms purchased are sidearms, rifles, shotguns, or even machine guns (which ARE legal; possession and movement are controlled, not illegal).

    The bottom line is that the only one responsible for protecting you is YOU! Either do it or hope there is a sheepdog around when you encounter a wolf.
