Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hack, Poison or Burn?

This is a re-pub of a note from my facebook page of the indicated date.
by Matt Worner on Sunday, 12 December 2010 at 18:19
Conventional medical wisdom insists that any cancer be treated by:   A. surgery; hack it out or off, B. chemotherapy; poison the body in hope that the malignancy will succumb before the rest of the body does, or C. radiation treatment; burn the malignancy with radioactive waste wishing for result similar to chemo.  Then there is the unconventional course of treatment that figures let it go in hope that the patient will die of something else sooner.

Why is it that the same people who will jump at A,B or C for a malignant hangnail will go along with the non-treatment option for the global malignancy of the United Nations?  This body of "diplomats" elected by no-one and appointed by governments mostly elected by no-one sits scavenging off the largess of the United States while acting to destroy this nation, the one paying the bulk of the cost of keeping them in limousines.  And as if suckling off the public teat wasn't free ride enough, they have to finagle a couple of extra millions for themselves in such schemes as the "Oil for Food" program that kept one of their un-elected cronies in business for an extra decade until American GIs could drag him out of his rat hole for his own people to hang.  Hanging was a fate too good for him.  I would have tossed him into a tank of pig offal to see how long he could tread water... er blood and guts.

The time has come for this country to get out of the UN and to get the UN the hell out of this country.  No longer should we put up with the diplomatic abuse of allowing every banana republic to take out their envy of our freedom and enterprise by attempting to force this nation into the fetid mold of their own forms of oppression.  It would be nice to PiNG all the slugs who feel that a New York City fire hydrant is a parking space reserved sign just for them. Think of the gum shoe dollars that could be saved trailing their espionage agents as well.

The Wilsonian notion of a "League of Nations" didn't work in the beginning and hasn't shown any signs of working since.  No wonder they are angling to disarm American citizens (with the complicit co-operation of the Kommie Kenyan Pretender and his illegal secretary of state), those silly blue beanies make such lovely targets.  Admiral Yamomoto's movie quote about a rifle behind every blade of grass may be typical Hollywood hyperbole but it ain't far off fact.  I'm sure the eighty million firearms owners in this country would be THRILLED to turn them over in hopes for "world peace".  Just like in Cambodia, Botswana, Iraq, Iran, Darfur, Indonesia,Chicago, and all the world's other scenic hot spots where unarmed populaces routinely assume the peaceful aspect of dead.

There was a time, bordering now on the irretrievable, when this was the most vibrant, powerful nation in the world; the product of visionary geniuses who gave us a Constitutional government unlike any in history, before or since.  For almost two-hundred and twenty years self serving sycophants have promised and wheedled their way into positions to sacrifice the interests of the people and destroy that government and the liberties it is mandated to guarantee. I guess they figure their own cushy jobs will be safe when they surrender the country to the thugs on the East River.  Ha!  Even Hitler knew enough to shoot collaborators once he took over.

As did the underground...

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