Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jaundiced View from the High Plains

This from my facebook page in reference to the following article: 

on Thursday, 29 July 2010 at 07:15

Once again I shout from the rooftops. They are NOT "illegal immigrants", or "illegal aliens". Illegal entry is a crime! Trespass is the crime of entering upon property wherein you have no legal authority to be. These people are CRIMINAL TRESPASSERS. If I, with my family, break into your house, sleep in your beds, endanger the lives and welfare of your family, does that make us undocumented dinner guests? No! It makes us criminals, whether we're only there to "make a better life for our family" or not.

As for the argument that this criminal might be alive if she had been deported on schedule; note, that's deported, not "released", the fact remains that she never would have been incarcerated at all if she had refrained from CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. I have every sympathy for anyone so despondent as to take her own life (that also being a crime, incidentally) but see no standing for her family to litigate. Any judge who would let this case go forward should be reminded that consequences to a criminal during the commission of a crime are on his (or in this case her) own head.

Until such time as the federal oligarchy starts performing its job, cases such as this will continue. Confiscating 40% of the nations economy in a vote buying program to keep themselves in "public (self) service" (and paying themselves four times the average working stiff's wages while at it) is not what the Constitution calls for. It is most assuredly, however, what the founders envisioned and what they wrote the Constitution to preclude. We now have a congressional majority of self serving sycophants who ignore said Constitution on a daily basis, and a Kenyan pretender in the white house who, in any other position in the military but commander-in-chief would be shot for dereliction of duty, installed by an electorate of such intellectual magnitude as to believe that Obama would pay their mortgages and fill their tanks with gas.

Forty-four years ago this month I raised my right hand and solemnly swore before my Heavenly Father and man to protect, preserve and defend this nation and her Constitution against "all enemies, foreign and domestic". I do not recall there being an expiration date on that oath. It is the same oath that all in congress swore, and most now ignore. Betraying an oath makes one a traitor. Betraying an oath in time of war gives aid and comfort to the enemy; by definition treason. The penalty for treason is hanging. There are a lot of lamp posts in Washington, DC.

Do the math.

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